Friday, July 26, 2013

National Aunt & Uncle Day

July 26th is National Aunt & Uncle Day. 
We are so thankful for the wonderful aunties and uncles that our kids have!
We praise God for each of you!
Uncle Ted & Quentin on the beach with Mt. Edgecumbe in the background.
Ruby and Uncle Andy
Cousin Megan, Auntie Kim & Quinn
Uncle Jack & Quinn with their matching shoes!
Auntie Root with my cousins, Sara & Kirsten before the babies were born!
Auntie Jenn & the babies in a bucket!
The babies haven't met their aunt Susi yet but they enjoy the special blankets that she made for them!
Aunt Rhoda with arms full of babies!
Quinn with Uncle Dan and cousin Reid
Uncle Matt is pushing the twins in their stroller in the photo above.
A great winter hike through Totem Park at Christmas.

Uncle Mel and Ruby
Aunt Holly & Quinn
Aunt Connie & Ruby
Aunt Mary with Cliff & Ruby 
Aunt Holly & Ruby
Aunt Holly with cousin Meg and Baby Ruby at only 6 weeks old!
We are so VERY THANKFUL for this unforgettable lunch that Aunt Juanita & Grandma Rene planned for us.  Aunt Juanita & Uncle Kenny gave us their son Rick's baby quilt made by Cliff's Grandma Bertha & Warren & Rene gave us Cliff's baby quilt also made by Grandma Bertha.  We look forward to our next lunch with Uncle Kenny in heaven.  He passed away early this year.
Here are the babies cuddled in with the quilts their great grandma Bertha made!


Karen Gibson said...

Love all your Aunts and Uncle' pictures. One of my greatest joys is being an Aunt to some precious nieces and nephews.

Virginia said...

What a special tribute to all the aunts and uncles. You have such great ideas for your blog.

Anonymous said...

We are blessed to have so many wonderful nieces and nephews. We are thankful to have Q & R among them!

Auntie Jenn & Uncle Jack

Miss G said...

What wonderful love surrounds these kiddos! Kelly