Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Future Horticulturalist

 I knew it had been a little too quiet for a little too long.
I left my laundry pile and found Mr. Muffin on the table dismantling my peony bouquet!
I quickly told him, "No, No!" but my resolve softened when he
flashed that smile and proudly started clapping with glee.
This black enamelware pitcher belonged to my Grandma
I'm always thankful to have an opportunity to use it.  
Evidently Mr. Muffin concurs!  
He kept dunking his arm into the water and stirring in flower petals.  
A sweet concoction no doubt.
His little hands are so busy.
While I was snapping this picture I thought of the prayer I often pray for him,
"May everything he sets his hands to prosper."
The peonies were $1/each at the Chelan sale this weekend.
Chelan Produce Company is located in Washington.
They send a semi truck trailer full of fresh produce
to our town every other Saturday during the summer months.
We enjoy the fresh food and flowers.
I got to go to Chelan with my sister-in-laws, Jennifer & Rhoda as well as my mother this week!


Anonymous said...

Betty, you are such a good mother. You turned a frustrating time into a precious moment. Beautiful shots of Quinn. Making great memories for the future. Love you. Virginia

Karen Gibson said...

Beautiful flowers and handsome Quinn. My question is, how did he get on top of the table? Special memories!!!

Emily Bradford Routon said...

Never a dull moment! And always smiles :) thanks for capturing the moment!