Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Totem Unveiling

Today the twins and I got to join Cliff at his new office building for a
Totem Unveiling!  It was a special event!
The master carver that created the Eagle and Raven poles
was present to speak about their significance to the local tribe and 
representatives from each of the 5 clans were also honored.
One of Cliff's co-workers sang and drummed while others danced
and although, not a part of the local tribe, Cliff got to take part in pulling down 
the shroud at the appointed moment after the drumroll
(I actually heard one of the men ask for his help - they said "Cliff, we need your height.")
Quentin and Ruby were quiet in the stroller during the ceremony which lasted about an hour.
It was a chilly day so I was very thankful that they were bundled in their 
cozy snowsuits that Grandma Rene & Grandpa Warren gave them.


Anonymous said...

Very nice! I like the way they turned out! Keep up the good work team!


Miss G said...

Really fun!

Great photo.

Hope you got some burritos afterward.

Miss you guys (and the burrito place). Kelly

Karen said...

Love witnessing a slice of your life. Congrats for making the local newspaper. Happy Easter. Hope to see Easter photos.