Friday, March 8, 2013

From Where I Stand | Construction Site

Here is Cliff standing on the spread footing (foundation)
of the latest construction project he is involved with at work.
The steel rebar will help protect the 5,000 square ft. concrete slab
from failing (or cracking) due to excessive expansion and contraction
from weight and/or temperature changes.


Miss G said...

This is a very compelling photo. Did you take it or Cliff? The lines are great.

David would call this an "instruction site" and be very excited about it. :) I hope there are some big machines there. Remember when you took him to the grocery store last summer and y'all got to see a bulldozer or something at work? Precious memories with you guys! Kelly

BR said...

Cliff took the photo himself at work one day with his iPhone. Yes, David and I drove to the new baseball field and sat there and watched these big machines move a huge piece of metal something, it was very exciting! Then we went to lakeside and right as we were walking in a blue community ride bus pulled up and we got on and gave the driver high 5 then sat on the bench and admired it until it left! He is a delight!

Rhoda said...

Love it! I need to take some Where I Stand pics...or before/after of our big cleaning this afternoon! You always inspire, Cliff and Betty!