Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Russian Dancers!

Today I got to see a performance by Sitka's famed Russian Dancers!  The Russian Dancers perform all summer for visitors that come to our town to learn about Sitka and our Russian history.  Before the USA purchased the Alaska territory, it was owned by the Russians and during the time that Alaska was a Russian territory, Sitka was it's capital.  My friend, Emily, who is more adorable than any one person should be allowed to be, is one of the dancers.  In the group picture Emily is on the far right.  I think I was able to snap this picture when 10 of the 12 dancer's feet were off the floor!  Emily is also a teacher, mountain climber, runner, jewelry maker, banjo player, berry harvester, gravel shoveler, seamstress, kayak guide and friend.  Three cheers for Emily and the Russian Dancers!

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